Looking back over the last few months of writing a weekly blog, I have noticed a couple of things. Firstly, I surprised myself with how much writing has been a cathartic process for me. There is a certain satisfaction in setting a weekly deadline and seeing what I can come up with each week. Secondly, I noticed that the last couple of posts in particular, have been about the problems and difficulties I was experiencing and had a more negative viewpoint. I realise that liberating as it may be, some may say it plain narcissistic to write about myself every week. I also want to be careful not to make this platform my own personal soapbox where every post has a new gripe.

So in that spirit, this week I want to talk about something positive. I feel there is a brand new cultural movement underway and it is enabling people to be creative in various fields all at once, like a kind of digital renaissance. There are amazing people out there changing how we look, feel and interact with the world through art. I am inspired daily by these incredible people who are redefining what culture and art is. What’s more, I can access these people directly whenever I want. For me, there has never been a better time to be a creative person than today. I feel very fortunate to be able to hold this view, I know it is probably not the most common one. I also feel very grateful to be even able to peruse this dream of engaging in this new rebirth. 

My list is long and these are just a few of the people who are blazing a trail for me. if you are a musician or a creative in general, I highly recommend checking some of these people out they are all linked here. (In no particular order) 

Adam Neely, Rich roll, Mark Lettieri, Samurai Guitarist, Rick Beatoindeprener, The savvy musician, Jacob Collier, Joe Rogan, Groundup music, Holistic songwriting, Reverb

If you like this post please consider joining my mailing list here, where I'll keep you up to date with whats going on with me. There will be access to bonus content and a free song! 


015. Out with the old, in with the old.


013. Cognitive Dissonance