016. Slow is fast
“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit”
Did you ever notice how in movies about time travel, everyone is really worried about how one small action in the past can throw off the whole space-time continuum, yet nobody is really worried about their small actions in the present? These small actions when compounded are the ones that make for the big ideas and the big achievements but in order to have them lead to something tangible, you have to be consistent. Through time and repetition, the big moments will realise themselves.
But this small consistent momentum is so far from the modern approach of, "I'm sure there is a hack for that." It can be a real challenge to enjoy the incremental. Even though I know the rewards are so much deeper in the long run, I kind of just want to be good at something straight away. It's like when you cram for an exam, the result might be really good but the knowledge is only at surface level, it is never really internalised.
I think it is a question of integrity and how deeply I would like to experience the things I find important in my life. The more I find hacks for things, the more I only experience them on the surface. I think it is in the small daily actions that you can gain a profound depth and insight into your life experience.
Why then is so easy to avoid these small things in the day, to make excuses and to not follow through? If they are so small then they should be easy to do right? For me, I feel it is the weight of expectation that comes with them. You go to the gym once and suddenly in your mind, your going six days a week and in amazing shape, then you miss a day and that's it, you quit. The emphasis is no longer on getting to the gym for that one day, it's that now you can't do your imaginary six days.
I think what I am trying to say is that, for me, I find the choice to practice something daily, be it writing, playing guitar or even not having a muffin with coffee, can be simultaneously the easiest and most difficult decision as it holds both the most pedestrian and the most extraordinary.